On the 8th March, we had a special presentation of In The Name Of Your Daughter on International Women’s Day, brought to you by Tanzania Development Trust, Hope for Girls and Women, FAWCO, and End FGM Canada Network. We had the chance to meet Rhobi & some of the inspiring girls featured.
The film is about some of the bravest girls in the world; Tanzanian girls as young as eight who risk everything, including their lives, to follow their dreams. These girls do not want to go through Female Genital Mutilation. No child, once informed of what’s ahead, volunteers to be harmed in this way. They are bribed, cajoled, threatened, and forced. The film surrounds human rights champion Rhobi Samwelly who risks her own life to protect the girls.
Some of the girls from the film, Rhobi Samwelly, (FGM survivor and director of Hope for Girls and Women Tanzania) Tharien van Eck (Chair FAWCO Target Program), Giselle Portenier (filmmaker) and co founder of the END FGM Canada Network, Janet Chapman (Chair, Tanzania Development Trust) and Annemarie Middelburg, consultant and FGM expert joined the session for Questions and Answers following the screening.
You can see a trailer for the film, and view the post-screening questions from Rhobi and some of the girls.
This special screening was sponsored by FAWCO, Hope for Girls and Women Tanzania, Tanzania Development Trust and END FGM Canada Network.