Clean Water

Rural regions in Tanzania are often deprived of reliable drinking water and sanitation facilities. Poorly maintained government infrastructures often predate Tanzania’s independence, and water committees can’t sustain funding for sufficient rebuilds. Water sources are often very far from community centres, meaning long walks for women. The spread of water-borne diseases is often worsened by the sharing of community water with livestock, while a rapid influx of students has also strained sanitation resources for primary schools. 

To decrease health risks and increase school retention, Tanzania Development Trust funds projects that improve access to clean water in rural Tanzania.

Income Generation

Relatively small amounts of money, when strategically invested, can profoundly transform the lives of Tanzanian women living in extreme poverty. When women are able to start their own operations, coupled with business training and ongoing coaching, they increase their family income and elevate their own roles in their communities. Poor agricultural practices resulting from lack of knowledge and income poverty have also increased environmental harm. Farmers burn the bush to clear land and discourage pests, uproot trees for herbs, and encroach on virgin soil just to provide enough food.

So we are working with local partners such as Mboni ya Vijana to teach farmers how to conserve their environment and detect pests using free mobile phone apps such as PlantVillage Nuru.

Tanzania Development Trust funds programs that improve income, empower women, and deliver environmental education.

Girls’ Education

Access to education for girls in Tanzania is often fraught with difficulties. Families force girls into domestic roles. Schools lack proper hygiene provision, especially for menstrual cycles. And long distances pose high risks of abuse from bus drivers, shopkeepers, and other adults.

Tanzania Development Trust funds programs that discourage unwarranted male aggression, reduce burdens of domestic work, and increase opportunities for women in Tanzania.