Year of Grant: 2021

Organization of People Empowerment received a total amount of Tshs 9,688,759.36 from Tanzania Development Trust as a grant to implement the project. The funds were used to facilitate vulnerable women in preparation of vegetable gardens, to purchase vegetable irrigation equipment and to purchase vegetable garden agriculture inputs.

In 2020 we funded OPE – Organization of People Empowerment – the NGO led by our local representative, William Shayo.
One year later, in 2021 OPE launched a new project on empowering vulnerable women in Busangwa ward for the purposes of enhancing their economy and livelihood towards fulfilment of our focus area number one above that is economic empowerment through commercial farming. The project intended to benefit a total number of 15 vulnerable women from Busangwa village in Busangwa ward within Kishapu district.

But…whenever there is a success there are also challenges!
One of the challenge we anticipate in the future, is demand of another pump on the other side of the dam because if more women will be motivated in gardening activities the one pump we have will be overloaded. Another big challenge is that in the month of December 2021 we had a heavy rains with big storm and unfortunately one tank had no enough water and it was taken by wind from the stand till down and totally damaged beyond repair.

However, the project has brought the significance changes to the lives of vulnerable women especially in the rural areas of Tanzania and rise the dignity of women in the community towards reduction of gender biasness.

As the image shows, the impact of this initiative has been incredible! The success of this project has attracted 7 more vulnerable women to join the group and share the solar pump to irrigate their gardens. 

The income of the women has increased by an average of 27.5% and the production per plot by an average of 8.7%. Moreover, the 92% of the women are now able to contribute to the household income and support their children with meals and school needs.