Amount of grant approved (£) : 5,220
Year of grant : 2020
Shinyanga Pig Keeping Project (SHIPIP) was first funded by TDT 2 years ago. It is supported locally by Lifeline, who help women headed households with income generating projects to give them a livelihood. Lifeline have given the women training in pig keeping and management through SIDO (Small Industries Development Organisation). This initial project has been such a success, a second application was approved in March 2020, for £2200 so 20 more women in a different area, could set up and establish their own pig income generating project. TDT supplied materials for each woman to build new pig houses, and supply each with 2 piglets. The training was paid from community contributions.
The Shinyanga region is one of the 5 regions in Tanzania which is leading on forced marriage and early pregnancy practices and the young women and adults’ women have been the target for these tragic practices and its social impacts. The pastoralist communities in Shinyanga, Mwanza and Mara regions have been involved in these wounding practices, which is also associated with other social economic discriminations like denial of education provisions to female children, increased of maternal mortality rate among pregnant women because of entering in marriage practices at early ages, poor marital relationship to those in marriage which is aggregated with poor involvement of women in decision making of households affairs , including inadequate utilization of household’s resources and income benefits as well as inadequate economic opportunities rendered to women.

As the pictures above show, 25 is not just a number: “25” tells of the lives of women who have now a new perspective on life, a new source of income, new skills, independence and hope. And it also tells of women who – immersed in a community – are capable of producing a multiplier effect, thus allowing the project to impact and improve the lives of many other people.
The implementation of this project has touched the lives of 25 community members along Kizumbi Ward in Shinyanga Municipal in which Women with poor social economic status and women headed households at Kizumbi Ward in Shinyanga Municipal have been capacitated economically and enabled to initiate Income Generating Activity (IGA’s).

One of the Pig hut/shelters constructed by using woods is expected to be roofed with glass and it will be cemented with concrete to make it strong.
It was unbelievable for the participants from Kizumbi ward to receive Piglets from Lifeline Vendor! Before the distribution exercise of Pigs at Bugayambelele area in Kizumbi ward, the participants were provided with a very short seminar on how to take care of Pigs, then after distribution of pigs was commenced by Rev. Dr. Meshack – the Executive Director of Lifeline organization – and Happiness Mathias – the Shinyanga Pig Project (SHIPIP) Project Officer.

The distribution exercise was conducted with project participants as the way of reducing conflict of interest and raising ownership.
Read the full report here!