Following the success of Mwalukwa Schools Feeding Programme in Shinyanga in 2021 which successfully introduced growing sorghum at five primary and secondary schools; we now want to expand this project to a further ten schools. Children often arrive at school having had nothing to eat, and due to hunger find it difficult to concentrate and engage in school activities. Each school has a Feeding Programme where children receive a bowl of porridge each morning to sustain them. However, the nutritional content of this is poor but can be greatly increased by incorporating sorghum. Growing sorghum has additional benefits in that it is drought resistant, which is becoming increasingly important as climate change makes rainfall less predictable, and excess sorghum provides income for the school to support payments for water and electricity that they would otherwise struggle with.

The aim is for each school to grow a 2 acre plot of sorghum. This project would be reaching 5800 direct beneficiaries at a cost of approx. £350 per school. This equates to approx. 60 pence per child. Each school/community will contribute with manure, cultivating and planting the crop.
Impact of our feeding program towards learning outcomes will be documented after the standard seven examination results of 2022 released. We will compare results before and after the feeding program to share the outcomes on children learning.