Kagondo Ruhija village pipeline, Kagera Region.
Amount of grant approved (£) : 4,529
Year of grant : 2020
Ruhija village is located about 50km from Bukoba town. This project funding supported a 2,000-metre pipeline to supply water from a reliable source to a tap station in the village. This provides clean water to around 4,500 people, improving health and saving lives, especially for young babies. A water committee manage the water supply in a secure location and small charges for water are made towards maintenance.
Rwoga Primary School pipeline extension.
Amount of grant approved (£): 3,074
Following completion of the village pipeline, TDT was pleased to support an extension to Rwoga Primary School; about 2 kms from the village. The pipeline was completed by the end of December with local labour digging the trench after they had finished their crop harvesting. The water will benefit over 400 school pupils and staff for hand washing and hygiene, preparation of daily porridge meals and irrigation for the school’s small vegetable plots which supply healthy food for the pupils and for sale to local villagers. This income will also help maintain the pipeline and tap points and support the charge for water made by the local District Office.