Delicious fish feed special needs students at Mukdidiri village, Kagera


The Kagera People-Centred Development Foundation (KaPeCeDeFo) reached out to TDT regarding the low income and poor nutrition in Mukdidiri village. Their proposed solution was for a grant to allow the establishment of ponds for Tilipia breeding and duck rearing. With the help of our local rep Ahia Ntamubano, the project has continued its development despite delays due to heavy rainfall in early 2024. While the fish so far are not of incredible size, they were reportedly delicious and nutritious.



To provide the people of Mukdidiri village with an additional source of income and nutrition. This is not only done through the provision of funds for the duck and fish pond but also education on how to properly rear them provided by the District Fisheries Officer. This was done through demonstrations, explaining the benefits of this project and ending in a Q&A. This project will directly benefit 500 local people as well as indirectly benefit another 3000.


The first fishing were harvested by a group led by the District Fisheries Officer. Fish were sold cheaply to locals and donated to the grateful special needs students at the local boarding school.

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