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Marumba Village Projects Update

This joint development project between TDT/EU Can Aid, Marumba village and African Palms, near the Mozambique border in Mtwara region, has already so far delivered 2 new classrooms with solar panels, a borehole, dispensary support with solar power and fridge, tree planting and bee keeping projects.


Secondary School Transition – Project Update

The transition to secondary school is difficult for any child, but particularly in Tanzania, when they suddenly need to start learning in English. This year, we are supporting schemes in 8 schools who have been teaching over 700 students for 3 hours a day, 5 days a week since the end of September, thanks to a grant from the Eddie Byers Fund matched by an anonymous donor.

Marumba Maternity Ward

Marumba Village celebrates the opening of the new Maternity Ward and is captured by ITV News, Tanzania

Eddie Byers Fund

The transition to secondary school is difficult for any child, but particularly in Tanzania, when they suddenly are supposed to start learning in English. From having a few teachers speaking Swahili to many new subjects in a new language this is a big challenge. Many students struggle to understand their teachers and start to drop behind and lose interest. Therefore we were delighted to receive a grant from the Eddie Byers Fund.

Congratulations and thanks Ruth and Dan!

Tanzania Development Trust would like to thank Ruth Harvey and Dan Wells for fundraising for TDT through their Kilimanjaro climb. Friends, family and colleagues donated an amazing £2,041.

Awards for two TDT Local Reps!

Congratulations to TDT local reps Rhobi Samwelly and Benedicto Hosea, who this week both received significant awards recognising their work.

Kigoma Local Rep Benedicto Hosea in UK

Addressing the APPG in the Houses of Parliament, the Geology for Global Development Annual Conference and our own AGM, Benedicto has made quite an impression on his visit to the UK!

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