Tanzania development Events
We host a variety of events, often in collaboration with our sister organization, the Britain Tanzania Society, and our mapping initiative, Crowd2Map.
You can watch recordings of previous events, as well as footage from our projects on our YouTube channel, as well as some highlights below.
Past activities:
Launch of Inspiring Girls Tanzania on International Womens’ Day
INSPIRING GIRLS TANZANIA About this event For the launch event of Inspiring Girls Tanzania on International Womens Day we heard from three inspiring Tanzanian women
Find out about the Tanzania Development Trust
Find out about Tanzania Development Trust Interested in Tanzania? Attend the AGM of the Tanzania Development Trust to find out about our work in Tanzania.
Tanzania Mapping Groups September Meetup
Tanzania Mapping Groups September Meetup In this monthly meetup we learn new GIS skills and share good practice in mapping Tanzania and beyond! About this
How technology can help alternative education pathways in Tanzania
How technology can help alternative education pathways in Tanzania Hear from various NGOs using technology to support educational projects for vulnerable girls in Tanzania. About
State of the Map Tanzania – 20/01/23
STATE OF THE MAP TANZANIA A Conference for OpenStreetMap enthusiasts from Tanzania and beyond to share experiences and expertise on how to use OpenStreetMap to
How youth are building climate resilience in Tanzania and how you can help
How youth are building climate resilience in Tanzania and how you can help. Join us on World Environment Day to hear from inspiring Tanzanian youth